Swimming Strengthens Every Muscle – True or False?

So, you decided to start swimming because you wanted to look like this. But, you ended up looking like this. What’s wrong with this picture? Yes, swimming does work practically every muscle in the body, but not all muscles are being developed with the same degree of intensity at the same time. Generally speaking, if strokes are executed with precision, swimmers can strengthen their upper/lower back, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps, abs, obliques, hip flexors, legs, quadriceps, pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles and their forearms. This is achievable over all muscle conditioning (including the …

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Swimming to Stay Fit

Recently I had to come face to face with my future in a way that still makes me wonder in contemplation. It came at a time when had stopped swimming for a while and decided to jog instead thinking I should change up my exercise routine from time to time. I did The Beast workout for toning and running for cardio. My hip would pop and makes noises, but I didn’t think anything of it until the pain started. I got an x-ray done of my hip and found out that I don’t …

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